Thursday, 2 June 2016

Hmmm is it finally finished?

Maybe this will be one of the last posts for this little house!

For people that know me you will not be surprised to learn that before this one is even finished, I am jumping to a new project and its not even close! In fact its around 3,000 km away in Bulgaria.

I am starting a new blog if anyone is interested in following that madness too....


OK, so what have we managed to get done here before we run away?


We had had great plans about been super eco on the roof and wanted to use a wood fibre insulation and EPDM, then soil and plants! This had been suggested by Irene but when John our neighbour was building his house at the bottom of the hill they used horrible white polystyrene. The wood fibre was very expensive and only to be found up in Northern Spain, so with the costs high and the transport high, when John had lots left over it would have been a daft idea to spend money on the wood!

Super Simon came over again a few weeks ago with Clare to help with this final job! His idea was to use the white stuff and then use ferrocement on top.  However, when the boys went out to buy the materials the costs of the chicken wire made it a daft decision. So, back to plan A which was the EPDM rubber waterproof membrane ontop of the insulation and then as they had already bought sand we could use that to cover the rubber and eventually we hope to get plants that grow on the beach to take route!

Sand on roof we just need round pebbles in the gutter!

As you might remember the roof had a temp cover which was cheap plastic and then loads of gravel dumped on-top to keep the sun off and keep the plastic on! Now that is all around the outside of the house which looks really lovely and made a great difference to the "finished" look!

Can you see new steps in the distance, access to the top terrace! 
Can you see in the photo above a change of border around the outside, we did have tyres but after we had a visit to say we could not use them we got rid and used the old beams that had come from Tony house in Sella! Much nicer I think and does a great job of holding the gravel in place.

Inside has seen a few changes as I painted the concrete floor! I should really have done this year ages, it has made the house so much easier to clean and the dust has really been cut down! One day when we have more more time and money we will find some nice tiles and redo it all!

I also varnished the old tiles in the doorway and stained the wood darker.

Little pig showing off the new green floor! 
I also re painted the internal plaster wall and the first mud wall a faint hint of yellow. I think it makes a massive diffence and the colour really makes the room lighter! I have the kitchen area to have a go at when we come back at the end of the summer.

Plastered wall, slightly less clutter! 

So amazed how different it looks when painted!

So for now thats it! The house is closed up, all animals gone, piggies, chickens, ducks, cats all found great new homes. 2 Horses already in Bulgaria and 2 waiting to leave with us at the weekend.

The next update will be at the end of this year when we have a massive push so that the house can then be turned into a holiday rental place, so if you want to come and spend a few nights up here next year when it really is finished watch this space!

Just one last photo for now of the first thing we ever did!

Day one nearly 4 years ago!