Monday, 9 December 2013

Out of the ground and new caravan!

We had some bad weather last week and I am very happy to report that Rich and the Oranges managed to get this finished just in time, and I mean the day it rained. The girls now have a nice shelter to stand underneath. Which of course they don't do naturally, they prefer to stand and get wet!

Paloma walking out as no food! 
We had some great rainbows all over the place, can you spot the double one?

Double rainbow from Orange House 

With the blue lines all drawn on the ground it was time to start laying some concrete (I know, I hate it but nearly done with it!) blocks to start the walls. The strawbales will sit "end up" on top of this wall.

Now Rich has laid these blocks before but never with such importance! I don't know how it happened but friends Kate and Clive (who was a builder) asked if they could visit and take a look. We really could not have planned it any better as it turned into a Master Class for Rich.

First problem was we didn't have a spirit level that was bloody level and we have 3! A mad dash to Orange House to borrow Kev our joiners one, which was working thank goodness.

Then the boys soon realised how wonky the cement foundation are. One corner up, the other down and up and down like a mini rollercoaster. So glad we found all this out before we then started! Clive you are a star!

Hmm is it straight?
You can see on this photo the cement under the far corner and how much more is under this side! All makes it more interesting, and what is amazing is that Rich will be able to say he has built his own house with his own fair hands!

During Jose's last visit we had a meeting about the timber we are going to use. We agreed on the uprights for the frame (9cm x 4.5cm) and called the contact down in Yecla, Murcia. A long way to travel to collect it but a great price, so has to be done.

Irene had specified new modern larger beams to hold up the roof, but I had other ideas!

The house we lived in up in Sella mountains has had a new roof and the old beams taken out. Tony wanted to cut em up for fire wood, bless him I said no! We brought one down to the site and Jose had a look and said he would speak to Irene, he did think she would say no as they can't be guaranteed! I had fingers and toes crossed while he called her and she said yes! as long as they are all inspected and look and feel OK. That has saved us a small fortune and to be honest what I really wanted to give the house a more ethnic and natural feel. Also it will be lovely to have some of our other house down here with us.

My lovely wood!
Another great piece of luck this week, is thanks again to Kate and Clive. We went to visit them last week and I spotted an old caravan over the hill from their house in a neighbours garden. Kate said she would give him a call and see what he wanted to do with it. He said come and get it, no money, yippee! It had no door by the way and only one wheel!

We pinched a wheel from one of the other vans on the land and Kev made us a new door from an old door from The Orange House. you know me I never waste anything!

Rich and Ollie spent a few hours changing wheels and then she was ready to drive up onto the land. Now I have no idea what Rich was thinking as the ground was still wet from the rain, but he thought he would tow all the way up and around the first bend! erm that didn't quite go the plan and the new van got well and truly stuck!

Caravan tug of war!
After a few hours of tug of war with the 2 cars, we ditched the Nissan, I attached the caravan to the Rav and pulled her around. This bit we really should have filmed as the she did turn, but then the slack let her roll very fast back down the hill. With the rope stretch she bounced around a bit but thank goodness the rope held and she didn't end up back down on the road!

Eventually she was put into place and given a quick make over with fabric and a staple gun anda few rugs, we now have a very cool little bedroom. This means that the motorhome can come back to The Orange House for if we need to make a quick getaway!

Rich and Sean are on the land as I type and I am hoping that the main base walls will be in by the end of today.

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