Friday, 11 April 2014

WOW, I have not posted for a month!

I really cant believe I have not posted anything for over a month, where the heck does the time go?

What shall I start with I wonder, OK right more straw in the walls, we have planned on the large truck coming to the land and we expected to unload quick at the bottom! Change of plan as we really don´t have a safe place for the truck to stop so we decided to get all the straw we needed from Tito our animal food guy down in La Vila. At least that we don´t have to worry about keeping too much under cover or away from the mice etc!

side wall, bathroom and bedroom window
The green you can see in the photo is the plastic netting that is on the wood, this helps the mud to stick!

The caravans are now at the top of the hill to be closer to the build, Rich did not want to move so he went climbing and I had the help from loads of "oranges" to get them higher! The whole horrible event was filmed by Mel so I will not say much more, apart from the fact that I cried from relief when it was all over!

Inside bathroom
The back wall all covered

The back wall was completely mudded! We have been testing various methods to stop the mud from cracking. Cross hatching seems to work well. We then covered with blankets to keep the sun off late afternoon.

A taste of Morocco!
Straw filled nice round corner!

View from Lounge window again!

Here is a few buckets of the clay we use with the same amount of sand to make the adobe mix. This is taken from the hill right next to the house, how lucky are we!

Clay mix

 Here is the quarry that is right at the back of the house, the boys dig it out and we make it as small as possible and pass it through a 5mm sieve.  Horrible hard work but I am sure the "oranges" love it really!  

Late night visitors right above the house!

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