Thursday, 22 May 2014

Why is it all so slow now?

Its been an odd start to the month and things don't seem to have moved that fast! The jobs are now time consuming and at the end of day I am truly knackered! Rich has been guiding for nearly 3 weeks so has had a break from the house, I will make sure he works extra hard over the next few days to make up for it!

My mum came over and helped to do the final gravel cover on the roof, this is only until we get a tad more money to then use the wood insulation, make a wood gutter and cover with bags of earth! Lets hope we get it done for the Gota Fria in September or the gravel will be washed away!

We are trying hard to cover all the bales with mud, but its painfully slow as the first layer goes on, I am looking forward to when we can wack it on quicker with tools and not hands. 

I started to paint the beams with a wash of the mud, I am not too keen on the yellow look of the pine and this will make the house lighter! I leave the mud to make a paste in water, then brush on, leave to dry and then brush off with a wire brush, the wood grain still shows which I like. 

One good that has happened lately is the joiner William coming to make some door frames and to finish the wood work needed around the front window! With door frames now in place it means we can get the plasterer in to plaster the internal walls. I know I said I would do it myself but it is taking me so long to do the mud render I do not have the energy and I am sure it will take him one day and I would take 5! Fingers crossed the next blog entry will have photos of nice internal walls!

Sean today built the basewall that will support the internal wall for the bedroom, this I am excited about as then I can work hard on one room and get it finished! This will also act as a divide when we start to lay the cement floor on Monday. That is another giant leap forward and we have employed someone to help. I didnt want cement on the floor but we are buying white not gray which is better eco wise and the finish might be good enough without having to put down tiles! We will see!

One nice surprise today was stood higher in front of the kitchen window I saw the view for the first time! Not bad if I say so myself!

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