Thursday, 24 July 2014


6 weeks and no update, I am getting worse not better, but I have a good reason as I did quite a bit while Rich went to work in the UK and didn't want to spoil his surprise.

The plan after we spoke last was to create the internal wall to give us a bedroom. We had a quick visit to Pedro our lovely building supplies guys and paid the grand total of 2 euros each pallet. Standing them ontop of each other and making strong and secure did the trick and a wall was born!

Rich popped down to buy plasterboard, which I understand is not as bad in the eco world as I thought! We covered the lounge wall in the board and I have just put fabric over the bedroom wall as we want to later insulate and need to start collecting lots and lots of newspapers to do the job! Of course I have put up pictures and other crap to make it feel more finished! It will all have to come out at some point!

Thats the bedroom side of course and its amazing sleeping in it! The breeze through the massive window is great and then the little window at the side keeps us cool at night, in fact I have to close it most nights around 3am as its bloody cold. Bet my friends living in normal houses here in Spain cant say that! lol

Love sitting in my window seat! 
The ceiling going cream I think really works, even though it took me over 4 hours of scrubbing very hard with a wire brush! Tried a new method in the lounge but did not work so looks like more hours of scrubbing to come.

Bathroom is a room we did work in whilst Rich was away. As we want to collect the water from the bath to put on the plants in the courtyard we decided to raise it up so the waste pipe is not at ground level! We got Dusty Dave back to build a wall to put the bath on! Now this did not really go to plan as when he put the bath in to decide how to make the steps he broke his brick wall! Sean had to rebuild it a few days later, we fitted bath a second time and it still broke the wall so new plan to use a wooden frame was born!
Dusty Dave and his lovely dog helping!

I love my steps and they have now made me rethink the whole design idea for the bathroom which I can not wait to get started on!

Love my stone steps, all from the land around the house
I have now bought the tiles for the bathroom walls. I really wanted to buy real limestone, however the cost would have been over 300 euros! that we just can't afford. I went to see Pedro again and he had the ones I have bought at the entrance and I think they will look the part, and he gave me a great deal, reduced from 35 euros a sqm to 10!! bargain again lol

When we had our last visit from Jose and Irene we said we wanted to wait a while before we ordered the real glass. Jose said did we have any old windows knocking around? I said no but then, when I went to sleep that night I remembered doors that we had bought for the Sella House and did not use. I am hoping Tony does not mind us borrowing them! Thanks Tony xxx

Lounge next! I have put down cheap crappy carpets all over the place as we have not done the polish on the floor yet! This is to stop the dust, or at least to keep it down. Small TV, cheap table in the window, a sofa that I found at the bins and we are in!

Plasterboard wall and my crappy carpets
I LOVE IT!!!! I can not believe how great is is to be out of the caravans.  I worked out that we managed 10 whole months living in 3 little vans, 2 that had been given to us free! The bedroom one I loved right up until the last few nights when literally I woke up hating it with a passion! But then for those that know me that's about right eh?

The dogs certainly love the dustbin sofa! 

Hmm so you think I spoil my dogs?
I also did work outside in the courtyard but I will save those photos for the next update and we have also moved the caravans closer to the house as the baby one will become my office and the bedroom one will become my workroom! I will clad them both in old pallet wood so that they look like little wooden sheds and blend into the hillside I hope.

Lovely work area close to the larder which is working well to store the fridge and shelves with food on. Cooker in the corner and adhoc units, I have moved em all around a few times to get the right layout, this is what I actually drew on the plans so very glad it works the best!

I will finish this entry today with the photo of the gift that Rich left me the morning he headed back to the UK! I have told him what he did was actually a blessing as we found out that Javi our other building supply guy owns a very large digger, the day he came to lift out Rich car he also enlarged and repaired the road which has allowed the caravans to come closer and I am hoping we can now get the large water truck up the hill and have large amounts of water at a time!

Careful Dan don't knock it over! lol

1 comment:

  1. so much progress! Well done!! After you´re back from the North I´ll come and admire Love XXM
